Your Preparation Station Show: Before Doomsday Preppers

YPS - header - doomsday preppers showYPS – OLD Doomsday Preppers Remix

Before Doomsday Preppers began the first season, while the words “doomsday” and “prepper” were still unrelated, before this train wreck from which we cannot look away went mainstream,  I had the opportunity to interview Alan Madison, Executive Co-Producer before Season One (1) had even aired back on February 3, 2011.  Four (4) Seasons later, there is obviously some fascination with the show. Love or hate what it has done for or to the Preparedness community it seems that this show will be around for a while.

We re-vamped this interview (above) in hopes to shed some light on how things got started and to clear up the purpose behind the Nat. Geo. sensation itself.  In the interview (Originally it aired LIVE on Feb 3, 2011 with real “preppers” chatting in real questions) Alan had some clearly candid questions asked of him and had some really insightful answers to share.

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  • Why did you choose the show name to include word Doomsday?
  • What do you hope to accomplish with this show?
  • Do you think these folks are typical preppers?
  • Are you (and your crew) catching the prepper bug?
  • And many more…


I think you’ll be surprised to hear the answers.

Now you’ll have to remember as you listen, this was before anyone had seen anything more than the pilot episode.  I was hopeful.  Many of us who desire to educate and inspire the public toward a more self-sufficient lifestyle were.  But how the tides did turn – and quickly.   I personally cannot blame it on the show itself, nor the mass media.  They just do what they do.

For those who are not familiar with the marketing machine of mass media – before you get frustrated with National Geographic or the Doomsday Prepper show or crew itself you need to remember some key points:

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  • Television is not real life – Even a documentary or ‘reality’ tv (an oxymoron of monumental proportions) are not a complete picture. Snippets can never tell a full story and no one acts completely natural in front of a camera.
  • Ratings rule – Education alone rarely sells commercial slots. You’ll hear a reference to this in the interview.  The truth is that the job of media is to draw viewers, readers, listeners by whatever means works.
  • “Edu-tainment” is a big deal – As a teacher I understand the need to entertain while educating lest one looses the ‘class’.  Often though, keeping the balance between the two is difficult depending upon who is being reached, their personal back-ground or perception.


If it seems that Doomsday Preppers slapped the label of ‘Lunatic’ on many of us, we as a community have to be a bit more accountable first.  The onus falls on us, not the mass media, to put forth a good representation of why we live the way we do!  Those who promote this lifestyle and those who live it – have some damage control to do.

“How?” You may ask.

There are many, many ways… and the next issue of PREPARE Magazine (due out August 15, 2014) the entire focuses is on Removing the Stigma Associated with Prepping.  Some inspiring articles, a poll of our readers with great ideas and tips and some general outlook on how to best debunk the new stereotype.

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We hope to equip, encourage and empower you when you’re faced with the inquiry we may get upon occasion: “Are you one of ‘THOSE” people??!!” 

Remember: Keep Growing and enJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

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Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

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Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

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This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT! Send us an email!

Also, we’d love to keep in touch via these social medias and share our journey via youtube so please, let’s connect!


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Full Disclosure:
Please consider clicking the links above to buy this book. With the minor affiliate income we earn we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing, airing shows and blogging – and ultimately – we hope, encouraging YOU.
Thanks so very much!

“Whole Wheat Bread Making” Giveaway

Wk 6 - Whole Wheat Bread MakingWhole Wheat Bread Making often eludes people because the loaf seems dense or bitter. But,  in just another week this new giveaway can change that for one happy person who can stop baking whole wheat door stops almost instantly!

It may seem odd to have a book dedicated to just one recipe – but the one recipe can be made into so many staples of a home that it deserved focus.  It’s not about the recipe as much as it is about the techniques needed, the chemistry behind the ingredients and the skill to make a fluffy (virtually white bread consistency) loaf of Whole Wheat Bread  that you and your family will actually prefer to the colon clogging, unhealthy option from the grocery store shelf.

If you don’t happen to win, this book is available on Amazon in both Paperback (Whole Wheat Bread Making (Volume 1)) and Kindle. Also as an HERE as an Ebook  where you can read more testimonials, see the table of contents and what you can gain from it’s tutorial style instruction.

Without being narcissistic I think I’ll just share a couple of things that others are saying:


[wpgfxm_contentbox width=”75%” bg_color=”#FBE9C6″ b_color=”#8A1A16″ style=”solid” top=”none” right=”1px” bottom=”none” left=”1px” radius=”3px”]”It was so easy to follow and understand – I am sure that even I can bake a beautiful loaf of bread, now! The pictured illustrations were clear and attractive. Each right where I need them to be placed.  The written parts were very well worded and right to the point without leaving any questions unanswered.  Thank You”



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Whole Wheat Bread Making” by Donna Miller of Miller’s Grain House is a delight to read.

I have had the pleasure of hearing Donna Miller teach her whole wheat bread making class in person and I was drawn in by her warm, inviting and adept style. This book, written with the same open yet practical personality that comes through in her classes, covers all the basics that every whole grain baker should know to achieve the perfect whole grain loaf.

Many times new bread bakers and even seasoned ones will experience some trepidation when incorporating health-supporting whole grains, but Donna’s explanations, pictures and step-by-step instructions make that goal easy and enjoyable. From flour to pans to yeast and everything in between, Donna breaks down the ingredients, materials and techniques, sharing her own knowledge, but offering so many options, the reader will be able to make their bread making uniquely their own.

I recommend “Whole Wheat Bread Making” for anyone who wants to make the best whole wheat bread, or make their current bread making even better!
Vickilynn Haycraft


Now it’s time for you to enter for your chance to win!

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Full Disclosure:
Yes. We did write these books and yes, we offer them in paperback & kindle through Amazon. When you purchase through these links we receive a small royalty and marketing income. And you receive our gratitude for your patronage and support! May you be Blessed beyond ‘riches’ with Peace and Joy! ~ The Millers

Price increase in 12 hrs!

Look, I know it’s the weekend and you’re probably busy, but… I wanted to make sure you knew you only have a few hours left before the early bird price for  the entire package of the Summer of Survival Complete Collection!!

This lower price option ends at 9AM EDT Monday morning… then the price goes up. You’ll never see it at this low of a price again. Ever.

Remember, the Complete Collection includes EVERY session recording from the entire 2014 Summer of Survival… EVERY Q&A recording… plus HUNDREDS of dollars’ worth of bonuses no prepper would want to do without.

Some of them you won’t find anywhere else. And in a few hours you won’t find them at this price.

So at least take 2 minutes and take a look at what you’re about to miss out on before it’s too late.

Here’s the box below to see the page describing everything:

Own the Summer of Survival Complete Collection - Your Survival Skills Library

Your Preparation Station: The People Part of Prepping

YPS-header-charley hogwood

The People Part of Prepping is such a complex and vital, yet often overlooked, component of this lifestyle.  The word ‘self-sufficient’ often denotes a lone-wolf mentality, yet there is safety in numbers and security in being part of a group – but how to form one, or join one is was often a mystery.  Mystery solved with: “The Survival Group Handbook: How to Plan, Organize and Lead People For a Short or Long Term Survival Situation” written by my guest Charley Hogwood. His book is the foremost guide to planning, organizing and leading people in a survival situation. It has been utilized by small and large groups alike, and has also been used as a team building resource for corporations and civilian organizations.

Charley is Chief Instructor/ Executive Director for P.R.E.P. and is responsible for designing and teaching over 40 different courses in emergency preparedness, disaster readiness, and urban/wilderness survival.

It was a joy to visit with Charley and hear his desire to help you mitigate the potential pitfalls associated with both forming and/or joining a Survival Group.  I would encourage you to pick up a copy of “The Survival Group Handbook“, because it has far more to offer than Charley and I are able to cover in this show.  But we do really cover a lot of territory in this interview from relationships to roles and  OPSEC (operational security) to reality vs. scenarios.

I hope that by getting to know Charley better and hearing his process behind why wrote this book,  you’ll be encouraged that you do not have to go it alone nor do you have to risk your security by forming a group.  Enjoy the show and connect with us for more information.

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

Original Air Date: Thursday,  July 22, 2014

Click the Player below to Listen:   Guest – Charley Hogwood

This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT! Send us an email!

Also, we’d love to keep in touch via these social medias and share our journey via youtube so please, let’s connect!


Want a know when new blog posts, radio shows and videos go up? AWESOME! We love making new friends!!

Just click this button below and sign up for our newsletter updates. See you soon!


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Full Disclosure:
Please consider clicking the links above to buy this book. With the minor affiliate income we earn we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing, airing shows and blogging – and ultimately – we hope, encouraging YOU.
Thanks so very much!

Your Preparation Station Radio Show: Disaster Readiness & Book Giveaway


Thursday – July 17, 2014 – In this episode of Your Preparation Station, we talk about Disaster Readiness as approached by best selling author on the subject: Jim Cobb.  It was again my pleasure to spend some time visiting with Jim again!  We had the opportunity to talk about his newest book, The Prepper’s Long Term Survival Guide which is somewhat of a follow up to the book that we’re giving away this week (See my review and enter the Giveaway below).

Jim has years of experience and has now released 5 books total on the subject of Preparedness.  You’ll enjoy getting to know him better! Even if you’re familiar with Jim’s work, I’ll bet you may not have been aware that he has a very interesting day job, is on the verge of trying his hand at a Fiction piece of work and does preparedness consultations which you can find out more about that at Disaster Prep Consultants.

Jim and I get on a little rant here and there about the difference between bug-out bags and get-home bags and about an area within the preparedness arenas that bug us both!

Listen Here: YPS – Guest Jim Cobb – Aired July 17, 2014 – CLEANED

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT! Send us an email!

Also, we’d love to keep in touch via these social medias and share our journey via youtube so please, let’s connect!


Want a know when new blog posts, radio shows and videos go up? AWESOME! We love making new friends!!

Just click this button below and sign up for our newsletter updates. See you soon!


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Book Review and Giveaway!

Wk 5 - Disaster ReadinessThe Prepper’s Complete Guide to Disaster Readiness by Jim Cobb is like a primer for readiness for the novice and a foundational reminder for the veteran prepper.  There is virtually not a stone left unturned in this book but still it doesn’t go too deep off track in one way or another as to distract from the goal.  Disaster Readiness can be a wide reaching topic but the author, Jim Cobb has done a wonderful job of streamlining it and compartmentalizing it without making it seem overwhelming.

From laying the groundwork of “Why to prepare” to finalizing some ideas of “Where to go” in a disaster, The Prepper’s Complete Guide to Disaster Readiness will take you on a logical and easy to follow journey, yet still open up your eyes to some things you may not have thought of before.  Topics are wide, but so is the security of readiness, but unlike life itself, The Prepper’s Complete Guide to Disaster Readiness  is neatly compartmentalized in the approach so you can find your area that need improving and refer to it regularly.

Jim discusses this topic on levels that range from relationships (Children, Pets and Elderly) to supplies and skills.  I highly recommend The Prepper’s Complete Guide to Disaster Readiness  for the novice and the seasoned veteran of preparedness alike.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure:
We hope someone from our blog is the winner!!  However, if you did not win, or you’ve come by the blog after the Giveaway is finished, please consider clicking the links above or shopping through the Amazon links below to buy Jim’s book(s). With the minor affiliate income we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging – and  ultimately we hope – encouraging YOU.
Thanks so very much!




Book Bonanza Giveaway: Prepper’s Long-term Survival Guide

This Week the Book Bonanza Giveaway offers the chance to win Wk 4 - Long-Term Survival GuidePrepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide.”

This is a great book written by best selling author, Jim Cobb who has authored several of the top selling preparedness books that have hit the market in the last few years.

Most people think that preparing for an emergency is a short lived plan. However, in “Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living” you’ll see that short-term is not the case. What if… things did not get back to ‘normal’? What if… the new normal was a way of life so foreign to us that we were caught unaware? This book helps to address that with some thought provoking fiction and backs it up with more real life scenarios and planning.

The usual topics of Water, Food, Shelter etc don’t stop with the 72-hour stock up but rather dive deeper and longer term into the future of sustainability. Have you ever thought of surviving boredom? What about what you’ll do if you can’t buy new cloths?

There is an entire way of life that our ancestors used to live that did not rely on the systems, conveniences and gadgets that now tend to dominate life as we know it. “Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide” helps us to think and plan for that historical Deja Vu that may be in our future.


Below is the entry for for this giveaway. Enter for your chance to win this very thought provoking and empowering guide.

Keep checking back each week for another great book review and giveaway!

LIKE us on Facebook and get notices there as a new book comes up to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure:
We hope someone from our blog is the winner. However, if you did not win, or you’ve happened by the blog after the contest is over, please consider clicking the links above or shopping through the Amazon links below to buy the book(s). With the minor affiliate income we can continue testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging – and we hope – encouraging YOU.
Thanks ever so much!








Your Preparation Station Radio Show: Stock Up Food!


Press Play Here to Listen: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Thursday – July 3, 2014 – “Stock up Food! Stock up Food! Stock up Food!”  This is the battle cry of so many people who feel the that there is a need to prepare for the future.  But just how do we keep track of all that stocked up food?  To be honest, most of the food calculators/trackers and formulas irritated me for so long because they just did not suit the way our family ate.  So for a while I just went to food storage with no planning whatsoever and later found, I needed to be more deliberate.

It was shortly after realizing those frustrations and how the affected our future that I found  This was and still is one of the most user-friendly websites I have ever used to keep track of how we stock up, put back, preserve and use food.  It became a great tool for us just prior to having to live out of our own food storage.  I have shared this link with countless hundreds of people over the years.  No, I am not an affiliate nor do I make an income from this… I just really like this site and it’s FREE.

In this show I have the joy of interviewing Jason Barron, the CEO and founder of You’ll be so interested in how this site works, but even better, you’ll love the mission and message behind why Jason created it to begin with.  Not only that, but there is a code at the end of the show for you to have a lifetime of savings while you build up to a year’s supply of food.

Remember: Keep Growing & EnJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller

This show is sponsored by Millers Grain House & PREPARE Magazine

Want your ad on our shows? GREAT!  Send us an email!

Also, we’d love to keep in touch via these social medias and share our journey via youtube so please, let’s connect!


 Want a notice when new blog posts, radio shows and videos go up? AWESOME! We love making new friends!!

Just click this button below and sign up for our newsletter updates.   See you soon!


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Weekly Book Bonanza – Giveaway #3: “Jake & Miller’s Big Adventure”

Wk 2 - Jake and Miller Far too often the little ones become either scared and confused or left behind while adult family members lead the charge to prepare for an uncertain future. Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure: A Prepper’s Book for Kids is not only encouraging to help the children want to participate but also helps the parents and grandparents a like to embrace the adventure in prepping!

This comforting story is written from the perspective of both the slightly skittish dog, Miller and Jake, his owner who leads the way and prepares for every adventure!  As they prep, their imaginations take them far, but that’s okay because this helps them to better prepare.  From bug spray to water, Jake and Miller are prepared for just about everything! And don’t forget that important can opener.

Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure: A Prepper’s Book for Kids is a short book that is easy for elementary school age children to read, but it’s also short enough to be a great read-a-loud at bed time or nap time.  We feel pretty sure this might even become a great show-and-tell book for school! How cool is that?  Your kids can help inspire others!

The author, Bernie Carr ( who also authored the national best seller: The Prepper’s Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster) spends time on things that kids really would consider when they set out on an adventure.  And even though the characters may ‘prepare for the worst’ – Jake’s outlook is always hopeful and it helps to calm some of his dog’s fears.

After all, isn’t this what we want to do with our children, calm their fears, equip them to be well prepared and all the while, not forget that this can be a fun journey!

If you want to listen to a recent interview I did with the author, CLICK HERE

Enter the giveaway below – this is an Pinteresting Week for our giveaway so get your copy/paste fingers ready! 🙂

Join us next week for another great book review and giveaway!  Subscribe to this our newsletter to get instant notifications when a new giveaway starts each week!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure:  We hope someone from our blog is the winner.  However,  if you did not win, won’t you please consider clicking the links above or shopping through the Amazon links below if you plan to buy the book(s).  Your purchased support of our recommendation is much appreciated and the minor affiliate income we gain helps to keep us, testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging – and we hope – encouraging YOU.  Thanks ever so much!
Be Blessed!
Joseph & Donna Miller

Weekly Book Bonanza – Giveaway #2: “Survival Medicine Handbook”

Wk 2 - Survival Med Handbook First EdYes! Another Giveaway in our Weekly Book Bananza and it’s a great one!  Want to win the First Edition of “The  Survival Medicine Handbook“?  Then read on….

We are so thrilled with the excitement that our first week’s giveaway generated!  We have selected at random a winner of  the book “It’s a Disaster….” already! She has been notified via email and we are hoping she replies within the allotted 48 hours to claim her prize from last week.

We can’t wait to see what happens with our next giveaway!  So without further wait – here it is!

Week #2 or the Giveaway Extravaganza Weekly Book Bonanza is The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook – First Edition.  Keep your Loved Ones Healthy in Every Disaster, from Wildfires to a Complete Societal Collapse.

Written by Joseph Alton, M.D. & Amy Alton A.R.N.P. (aka: Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy of with the precision of those in the medical field yet in terms any laymen can readily understand, this book covers a wide array of topics!It is an easy read and well formatted for finding what you need to learn.  Every family should have at best a foundation for emergency medical situations.  This book goes beyond the foundation but lays stable ground work on which to build as well.

It is well laid out to compartmentalize issues as you learn how you might be able to treat them.  Sections include:  ‘Principles of Medical Preparedness’, ‘Becoming a Medical Resource’,’Hygiene, Sanitation and Environment’, ‘Infections’, ‘Environmental Factors’, ‘Injuries and Reactions’, ‘ Chronic Medical Problems’ and ‘Other Important Medical Issues’ such as nosebleeds, stockpiling medication, etc.

Each section within The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook – First Edition  has multiple sub-sections to help you become better equipped to handle the incidents that can occur during disaster.  From Cellulitis to Snake bites, Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy address so many things in this 419 page book. Many of the things of which you may not have been aware!    The book also includes a Glossary (which can be very helpful to a novice or those unfamiliar with medical terms) and other Medical References.While here is a Second Edition:The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way  the one we are giving away, is the building blocks to address almost every given emergency and should not be overlooked for the newer version.

This Giveaway is for a first edition copy (The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook – First Edition ) which retails on Amazon for about $30.00 before shipping.  Wouldn’t it be a great addition to your preparedness library?  You bet it would!  So enter below.

Come back and Tweet daily to increase your chances of winning too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Full Disclosure:  We do hope you are a winner.  But if you did not win, please consider clicking the links above or shopping through the Amazon links below.  Your purchased support of our recommendation is much appreciated and the minor affiliate income we gain helps to keep us, testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging. Thank you! 
Be Blessed!
Joseph & Donna Miller



The Wonderful World of Weeds

Do you think I’ve lost my mind when I say “Weeds are wonderful!”    Well, let me explain.  The Wonderful World of Weeds has captivated me for as long as I can remember. I now have an even greater appreciation for them than before.

Although some people might call me a ‘flower child’ – I am not a flower gal.  I don’t care to receive cut flowers for any occasion; they die too fast.  Although I love bringing a season from the outside to inside the home, decorating with them also always seemed a short lived boost.  Planting flowers for the sake of beauty really seems to be something that has never struck me as a good use of the time spent in the dirt (which I love no matter what).  Enter the Wonderful World of Weeds.

Each morning, as the weather permits, my favorite thing to do is go for a walk (ok, hike) around our property to see what wild food is growing and what is newly in bloom.  Inevitably I come back with hands full of weeds.  Some come into the house while others, if I can grab enough roots (like the clover in the lower picture) will be transplanted for easier locating when needed.

Does anyone else decorate with weeds? They grace a table, corner or shelf of our homestead on a regular basis:IMG_20632014-06-05 09.50.46 Clover (the pink blossom) is not only pretty but both the bloom and the leaves have medicinal properties as well.

A weed actually has a greater purpose than decor (I know, you’re shocked aren’t you…?).  It will grow in a soil that is lacking certain nutrients in order to replenish that nutrient in the soil.  This is the balance of helping soil be healthy.  In stead of pulling out the dandelions, find out what you lack in your soil and let them grow (and eat them too).  Your soil will thank you next season and your body will have some great greens that help you detox your liver.

cultivate dandelionsDandelion Greens







We actually cultivate the dandelions that pop up in our garden spaces.  This helps to repair the soil from one year to the next.   Pictured above are the dandelion plants growing right along side our kale.  Beside that photo is our harvest of dandelion greens!

Food foraging is one way of making a meal out of the plants that other people (and maybe once you and I) thought of as weeds.Of The Field

The series from Of the Field is a very helpful one to teach us what to recognize as food – so we don’t just think we are surrounded by weeds.  There are singular books there as well and a homeschool guide that I wish I’d had when our kids were younger and still at home(school).

At our house, we take the Wonderful World of Weeds to an extreme from decor, to medicine,  actually cultivating/transplanting them in certain spots as well as foraging for them.  Each season brings new weeds.  Instead of fighting them, it’s fun to find ways to use them and enjoy them.

Best Blessings and enJOY the Journey!

Donna Miller



Full Disclosure:  We do hope you will consider clicking the link about Of the Field or shopping through the Amazon links above.  Your support of our recommendations is much appreciated and helps keep us, testing, reviewing, sharing and blogging.  Thank you!  Be Blessed!